Sunday, August 24, 2014

All good things must come to an end

Thus far I have never had a child attempt, even think about, accidently cut their own hair. Not even Jack!….streak ended.  Sweet little Lyvie was sick of having hair fall into her face and decided that the most logical solution was to use the kitchen shears to get rid of the problem! AHHH!  
These things always happen when I’m so preoccupied somewhere else.  She excitedly bounds into Jack’s room, where he and I are working on building a new Lego set together, and announces that she found a way to get her hair out of her face!  I nod and mumble a Uh-huh and say that’s great, and then I hear her mention scissors, wait what???  I turn and to my horror see a chunk of hair cut out of the center of her forehead!! I start to wail and moan, and before I can come to my senses, she has realized that her perfect solution wasn’t a solution at all but a disaster, and Lyv begins to cry. 

  In the end we both hugged each other as I recounted the time that I too cut my hair as a little girl, an even bigger disaster because it was right before we took family pictures.  What we learned is that with or without hair, Lyv is a beauty – although I have kept a closer eye on the scissors; and the good thing about hair is that it will grow back.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Oh so sad. Good thing it will grow back. :) Kennedi has that same flower dress.