Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fun with Friends

There is nothing better in childhood and even in adulthood than good friends.  We have been so lucky to have made wonderful friends in all of our adventures the past 12 years, for which I am so grateful for.  Our good friends the Lancasters have joined up in several of our shenanigans the past month and it has been a blast.  

It is almost scary how well our kids get along – we both have 3 boys, 1 girl; and in exactly the same order (boy, boy, girl, boy) all around the same ages.  Plus we often get asked if we’re sisters which makes me think it was meant to be!  We’ve been to Get Air in the Tri-cities, to cake decorating courses, to hiking, and every park, splash pad and playground in between. 

A constant worry for me is having my children make and be good friends.  Ones that I know will influence them to do good and encourage them be involved and kind.  I hope that my own children will be the kind of friend that other mothers want their kids to hang around because of those same qualities.  

I feel like we are so blessed to have met wonderful families in each and every town we have lived in who do just that.  I am so glad my kids have such great buddies and that I get add another BFF to my circle.

Cake Decorating 101 

 Get Air : Tri-Cities

 Grove of the Patriarchs - Mount Rainier National Forest


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