Sunday, August 24, 2014

Camping at La Wis Wis

Shawn took the three olders camping to LaWisWis Campground a few weekends ago.  The weather was perfect and the company was even better (Max and I weren't there to cramp their style). The made for a fun filled weekend of fire, sticks, hiking swimming, hotdogs, tents, smore's and more smore's!

Sam, Jack, and Lyv had a wonderful time with Shawn, and it really was a treat for them to be there without me or Max bossing him around.  They had his undivided attention.  We are so blessed to live in such a beautiful area and the forests here are almost enchanted, they are that beautiful.  They are so green and the water is so crystal clear, it is amazing!  

I tried to convince Shawn that less would be more in regards to cooking while camping with the kids on his own.  But Shawn is not a less is more kind of a guy – More is ALWAYS MORE! So he did dust off the dutch oven and fry up a breakfast skillet for the kids which they loved. 

The boys even braved a jump off the cliff in the background (about 10 feet) into the frigid water below.  This is glacier melt, so this was not light decision, but adventure is out there and they found it!

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