Monday, October 5, 2015

Family Pictures 2015

So its been a while!  I know I keep saying this but time really is flying by and before I know it a month has come and gone and no updates!  So here is an over load from the past four weeks.  We decided to try to do our own family pictures and it worked out okay.  I would love to take a photography class and really become familiar with how to take better pictures, but these aren't the worst either:)

I know every mother thinks they're children are beautiful, but I love capturing the personality of each child with film.  And my kids are pretty stinking cute so that helps too:)


Freeman Family said...

Umm..Yikes on how old Sam looks! Love all your smiling faces! I think they turned out awesome! Miss you all!

Samantha said...

What a beautiful family! All the kids have grown up so much. You did good at the photography Megan.