Monday, October 5, 2015

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day was October 2 - and my parents were sweet enough to come over from Idaho to attend!  Jack's class was the only one that had an "official" program and day - so he was able to spend the most time with them.  He asked them questions about what they were like when they were 6 years old.  It was such a treat for my kids to have grandparents close enough to attend, and I am grateful for them for making this memory with the kids.

Not to being one to take advantage of a trip, my mom brought Tyleigh and Addi along.  Tyleigh needed a minor procedure done on her toe and Shawn was game!  We took her to his office's surgery center on Friday.  We then enjoyed the rest of the weekend with yummy food, a football game for Sam, and watching Tyleigh vomit!  Other than the puke, it was a great weekend.  We love family!

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