Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Post Christmas Happenings

Here a few more fun things we did during Christmas break….

Mother Daughter Date: We got our nails painted in preparation for Hawaii and went to the Yogurt Shack for a sweet treat!  I love spending time with Lyv.  She is getting so grown up and easy to talk to.  I hope this is something we will continue to do throughout the years.

Oh Jack…..sweet Jack gave us a huge scare during a trip to the Tri-Cities with our friends the Lancasters.  After a session at I-Jump we decided to go to Barnes and Noble and get books for Hawaii. Jack was with the Lancasters and all the boys went running into the store and Jack just kind of disappeared.  This isn't unusual for Jack, so I wasn't alarmed.  I started walking around the store thinking I would find him in a section of books…a minute turned into a few, a few turned into a few more and still no Jack!  Scared! At that point Shawn approached and employee and the loudspeaker clicked on…Code Adam!  They locked down the doors, no one could move or leave until this little boy wearing a Yankees hat and a red shirt was found…within a few minutes I saw Jack walking toward me with an employee.  He looked at me and I looked at him, and we both broke down into sobs.  Thankfully and gratefully it had a happy ending.  I am so grateful that he is back in my presence safe and sound!

What!? Wait! No kids in Nursery!  Say it aint so!  The day has come and instead of being happy I was a little sad….my kids are getting to big too fast!  Max started Primary and is one of three Sunbeams in our ward.  He has an amazing teacher, which I am grateful for.  He took a few weeks to warm up to the idea of not being in nursery anymore, but now handles it like a champ!

Two little cuties in a tub!
Lyv's face killed me…she has inherited Shawn's facial movement and is able to come up with some pretty funny poses, but his "Really, Mom!" face is a new sassy pants favorite!

Our final adventure…Leavenworth!  We took the beautiful drive over to check it out.  It was a beautiful town set in the snow-covered mountains and decorated with lights.  The kids loved the yummy treats and I loved a new adventure.  My hot cocoa was pretty amazing too.

After two wonderful easy-going, laid back weeks, the kids went back to school….boo!  But that gave me and my right hand man some much need bonding time. (or more like him and my hair some much needed bonding time!)

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