Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Potty Training Miracle

At the beginning of February I decided this would be THE month, to take on the most dreaded of parenting tasks….potty training!  I loath potty training, not only because of the mess, but because of the constant feelings of frustration and at times exasperation over my child's inability to grasp the concept overnight:)  My lack of patience is no help in this area.  I had attempted potty training Max 2 times before Christmas with no luck and no interest.  Honestly, he was perfectly content to wear a diaper for the rest of his life…why not?  He can do whatever he wants…eat, sleep, watch tv, play outside, without interruption…sounds nice right!  So about 2 weeks ago I was determined that today was the day…I took away the diapers, I pulled out the undies and suckers and started the potty training fun!  Fun quickly turned into loads and loads of laundry and a look from Max that basically said….I don't care, peeing my pants is cool!  Ugh!!!  Seriously people, this kid held it for 12 hours one day because he refused to try, even try to pee in the toilet!  Yikes.  After 10 days of this attitude I flew the white flag, I surrendered to my 3 year child…you win!  Then miracles were performed.  He went into the bathroom three days ago, because he wanted a sucker and peed in the toilet (made it yellow in our terms).  I jumped for joy, cheered, high fived, rejoiced so much in this bodily function finally being performed that I think I scared Max a bit.  Day two not a lot of action, but still nothing worse…today is day three, and he has been dry all morning and has peed 4 times on his own, without being asked.  What!!!  I have been a mother for 10.8 years now and I have yet to understand that all four of my children are VERY strong willed, VERY independent and won't be told what to do.  What does this mean for us in the future?  Hopefully I will look back at this potty training experience and remember that ultimately they have to decide… it has to be their decision…I can't force my hand on their free agency, their testimony, their decision to go to college or serve a mission.  It will come from them, in their time, and in their way.  All I can do is be standing by in the next room, hopefully to hear the sound of urine hitting the water, and rejoice that they did it on their own.

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