Sunday, May 7, 2017

Getting knocked in the Conk!

After the huge fall we had to wait about a week for a surgery date to open up.  I decided to take pictures of the healing process. 
Here is Jack Day #3

Day #4:

 Then finally surgery day arrived.  Monday, May 1st we arrived at the surgery center at 7:30 am.  Jack was actually excited at first, the novelty of surgery made him almost giddy.  
Then they brought in the IV cathedar...that's when it started to get real!  They had to stick him at two seperate sites because his veins rolled.  He didn't love that, but still didn't shed a tear.  I think at that point he realized this wasn't all fun and games.  The surgery was more invasive than they had planned because there was more scar tissue there.  It looked like he had injured his nose before, so they had to open him up to set the bone.  He was pretty miserable afterwards but still no tears!

 It wasn't until later Monday night that he started to really feel pain, and he was a trooper still.  It broke my heart to see him so miserable.  I told him I wish there was something more I could do to relieve his pain.  He got tears in his eyes, and said he just wanted me to sleep by him.  I gladly agreed.  He didn't have much of an appetite until about 10:30 and a Dilly Bar is the only thing that sounded good.  (Thanks to our friends the Belliston's).  Tuesday morning came and he was still not feeling great.  His nose constantly dripped and it hurt to smile, sneeze, anything!  It was so sad to see Jack out of his element.  He is so smiley and happy that it made the recovery that much worse to nurse him through because I couldn't see my regular happy-go-lucky boy!  Finally that afternoon, after watching AFV I saw a small smile!!

 The rest of the week he stayed home from school and slowly started to feel better.  His runny nose turned to congestion, the tubes up his nostrils don't help with that.  But he is getting there.
 So many of our family and friends sent little gifts and words of love and encouragement.  We are grateful for all of those who prayed and thought of Jack during this rough week.  I think he has changed his mind about surgery.  It wasn't all fun and games this time around.  He would look at me some of the time like "why is this so painful" and I wish I could help him get rid of the pain instantly.  I hope he also has learned to approach things with more caution and listen to us when we ask him to avoid activities that might result in an injury.  I love this guy more than words can say.  He frustrates me like no one else, but at exactly the same time makes me laugh out loud or sit in awe at how intelligent and observant he is.  He is one of a kind!

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