Sunday, May 7, 2017


My sweet, sweet Jack!  It has been a crazy 3 weeks for this boy! He started baseball and was loving being on the Angels.  On Lyv's birthday party day, as he headed down the stairs, he accidentally went right over the railing about 8 feet up and landed on his face, breaking his nose!  It was such a sad, sad day.  We could tell by the amount of swelling that this wasn't just going to go away on its own, so he met with the ENT and discovered his septum was badly deviated, completely covering his right nostril.  He would have to have surgery!


I had to add these hilarious "Safety Tips" that Jack submitted for his class.  It just illustrates so well his sense of humor and his life of living on the edge...that is to say, being a wee bit clumsy! #1 and #2 are tips based on real life experience!

My baseball boys!

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