Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sights of Christmas

We've finally got all of decor up and we think it looks pretty good. Shawn is the man!

Sam and I (mostly me) made a gingerbread house the other day. I found the best recipe for frosting. It is actually called gingerbread house mortar b/c is works so well. Seriously I didn't have to use any supports to keep the crackers up on the roof, just the frosting. Here's the recipe.

2 Egg Whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/8 tsp vanilla
3 cups powdered sugar

Beat egg whites and cream of tarter until it begins to peak. Add vanilla and powdered sugar mix well. Use immediately or cover with a damp cloth for 3-4 hours. Happy Gingerbread house making!


{Erica} said...

your house looks awesome and i love the gumdrops on the gingerbread house...sure wish we had that recipe on friday...:)

ps i had fun talking to you last night

Andrea said...

You got some skills Megan...awesome gingerbread house! Sam has such a cute smile.

My Everythings said...

Your house looks so cute. You need to teach me how to convince Chris that he "wants" to put up lights.