Friday, December 7, 2007

Two Big Men!!

Sam is pretty excited to have a dad after about three months of Shawn practically living at school - he and Sam are best buds. Shawn's not very fun to play play dough with though b/c he makes my creations look like blobs of dough.

He and Sam also shaved together, male bonding you know . . .

And finally - Santa. Sam has been dying to see Santa so he can ask for a blue Lightning McQueen, Chick, and Dinico King. When it actually came down to talking to Santa though, Sam got a little nervous, but Santa was nice enough to read an entire story to Sam.


{Erica} said...

1.if medical school doesn't work out shawn could totally try sculpting :)
2.nice famer's tan there shawn. Cute that they shave together!
3.Such a cute picture of Santa and Sam. Very impressed that he even sat on his lap.

Andrea said...

What cute pics, I especially like the shaving male bonding...very fun!~ And don't worry I don't make anything that cool with play dough either.

Debbi said...

I love the shaving pictures! How cute! Sam is a pretty lucky boy to have such a good dad!