Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Since we are away from our families in Idaho we are putting pictures of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning up for them to enjoy. We've had a really great time together, and Sam has been so fun because he was actually excited about Santa this year. First here's a picture of the roses that Shawn got me for our 5th Anniversary. He surprised me and took me to Kansas City, we he "wined and dined" me, it was great!

I had to put this picture in b/c I think Sam's bedhead puts my mom's crazy morning hair to shame!

We tried to get Sam to pose for a picture by the tree, but he really didn't want to cooperate, and you can tell by the pout on his face, if you can see past his chubby cheeks.

Here's our pjs -

In fact, he was so excited about his Blue Lightning McQueen, that he didn't want to open the rest of his presents! What a kid, the smallest gift is the only one he wanted - he told me that he was "all done with presents" Santa brought Sam a Blue McQueen, Buzz Light Year, Thomas Engine Shed, Books, Cars Mat, and More Cars stuff. Sam also got a great Mater pillow from Piper, and an awesome Snow man Kit and books from Carson, and a huge inflatable gym from Grandma Summers.

Shawn got a Karoake game and he's already quite the horrible singer - yikes!

We were all pretty spoiled, so thank you to all you all! We love all of our gifts.


Andrea said...

Wow!!! It looks like you guys had a VERY Merry Christmas. That blow up mat looks awesome--how fun! I hope you have a relaxing and nice time for the next few weeks.

Debbi said...

I hope you had a great day today, the pictures look so much fun - Sam's hair is CRACKING me up! I'm glad you guys came by the party last night! Merry Christmas and happy anniversary late too!

The Kawasaki's said...

Oh My goodness that Gym is HUGE. I showed my mom and I could see she was getting Jealous. Maybe she'll try to run off and buy one so she can be the cool grandma too. Colin was also all about the car toys. He wouldn't go to bed without all of his cars and there must be thirty of them... Sam is sure cute, I hope you have a happy new year too! The Kawasakis

My Everythings said...

You look so pretty in the grumpy Sam picture.