Sunday, January 20, 2008


Ha - the title probably makes you think I'm in Hawaii, well not exactly. I'm in the balmy paradise of Denver Colorado for the week babysitting my sister in laws three adorable kids while they are in Hawaii! Though its not the beach or a tropical paradise it is a nice little break from the norm and Sam has been thrilled to have cousins to play with.


Debbi said...

woah, I bet it's warmer there! I hope you have fun!

Andrea said...

hope you guys are having a fun time...have you started the book yet?

Anonymous said...

So how is it babysitting? Too bad you couldn't go with them and babysit in the hotel when they wanted to go out. Now that would be awesome! I finally have a blog....
Come and see!!

Courtney said...

I hope you're having a great time! I love you're header! The feet is a cute idea!