Tuesday, January 29, 2008

President Gordon B. Hinckley

I realize this is a little late - but better late than never. President Gordon B. Hinckley made a great impact on me personally, especially on my testimony in living prophets. When I was a senior in high school, our school's choir had the opportunity to sing Christmas songs in the Church Administration Building. We arrived at 7:00 in the morning and began to sing to an empty room. We had started to sing our second song when everyone began to break into tears and an undeniable feeling touched our hearts. Though we could not see President Hinckley we knew he was there. We finished our song and he came out from behind the us and thanked us for coming and singing to him. I remember so distinctly knowing that he was a living prophet, the mouthpiece of God on earth. I am so grateful for the great man he is and the example he has left for us to follow. He had such a great love for life and continued to shoudler his great responsiblities inspite of age and of lonliness after losing his wife, with such optimism and gratitude to be able to have the journey!


Andrea said...

great tribute megan!! i can't really picture what it will be like with him gone! what a blessing it has been for all of us to have him on this earth for 97 years! he will most definitely be missed.

Janelle said...

hi megan! i saw that you posted on my blog...good to hear from you! sam is a cutie! i'm glad we can keep in touch now!

Janelle said...

p.s.: i loved this post of yours. very touching. he surely will be missed!