Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009

Finally I figured the camera out! Hurray! So here's a little photage of our Christmas adventures. The Summers' grandkids put on the Nativity Christmas Eve, Sam served as both Joseph and a Shepherd and we had a wise woman in place of a wiseman, (which I think makes more sense anyways!)
Sam sporting his Doctor's Scrubs (Thanks Carter!)
He now wants a white jacket to go with them for his birthday!
Christmas Morning... Santa was very good to the boys, and I know the suspense has been killing you, but Sam DID get his white tiger! Christmas Day we were with the Hill Fam. Uncle J.D. proves to be the coolest, giving Sam a ride on his dog sled (He used to race dogs when he was younger) And.... he successfully put Jack to sleep after he'd eaten about 15 candy canes, no joke! Jack pretty much ate his way through the holidays. Everytime he walked by a table with food, he'd snatch a handful of anything edible.

Jack got a rocking horse that makes noises and sings, which he LOVES!

This was my favorite gift! Shawn surprised me by getting a ring I was given from his Grandma Hanks, reset in this white gold setting. It is so beautiful, and really a great surprise. He had Sam give it to me on our anniversary. Sam through on a Santa Claus hat just for the effect.

We then spent most of our time in Island Park at the cabin. The kids played in the snow for hours, and then would soak in the hot tub afterword. They had a great time! Sam had a couple of firsts this trip: First drink of Hot Chocolate! Yes, wierd I know, but he had refused to try it for years, and now loves it!! He also hit the slopes with Shawn on New Year's Day and did AWESOME. He wants to go skiing everyday, and I'm super excited he enjoyed it.

Shawn pulling the kids on the sled
The Boys (Kelly, Jake, Shawn, Joel) heading out for a snowmobile ride
Jack and Keaton loved watching all the action outside (it was just too cold for them this year). They were so adorable together and kept giving each other loves.

Needless to say we had a great Christmas and New Year. We were able to see my niece Tyleigh get baptized, and celebrated the New Year with the annual Hill Family Rockin' Party! 2010 looks to be filled with fun and adventure.


Smittys said...

so cute! I can't believe how fast kids grow!

Anonymous said...

Jack is getting cuter and cuter....I want to go up to your cabin again! Good times!

Freeman Family said...

Sam looks great in the scrubs! Glad he liked them! Glad you were able to spend time with both of your families and have some fun in the snow! We miss you and love you!

Biorn Family Blog said...

Always love reading your BLOG Meg-- you do such a great job. I have been thinking for some time that I have a request some day for my cuz (in his free time lol) I would love to see hime to a pencil drawing of Granny (my vote would be from the portrait she had taken at her 83rd or 84th B-day--in the black shirt with the pink flowers and a necklace) I would love to someday have permission to make prints :) I love that pencil drawing of Grandpa--It gives me goosebumps everytime I walk in the door at Granny's!