Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ode to "The John"

I have to post this, so Jack will always have a documented history of his LOVE, OBSESSION, and CURIOSITY for the TOILET! Yuck! He for some reason loves it, anywhere he goes he manages to find the toilet and manages to find a way inside. You can imagine my horror at finding his little hands playing in toilets at the local store or library, not to mention a run in with the urinal at church (it wasn't flushed either!) I almost lost it on that encounter. What do you do? Clorox his hands? Cut them off? I'm not sure, but no matter how many times he is told "NO" and whisked away, he'll always return. It's like he can sense if someone has left the door open. In Idaho I found him fishing out Skittles candies he had dropped in the toilet and eating them. We also found him with his toothbrush and a plastic spoon doing a similiar trick.

Germs, bacteria, feces, and the like have surely passed through Jack's system and will probably continue too as he finds a sick pleasure in getting caught in the act and then washing his hands. He now is so good that as soon as we come in and stop him, he rushes to the sink hands up ready for a scrub down (Maybe that's what he wants after all?) So for my sweet, precious Jack, a warning goes out to everyone, leave the toilet seat down, and a dead bolt on the bathroom door!


Beth Willmore said...

Oh I'm SO glad that Parker's not the only one who's obsessed with the toilet! I'm afraid he's going to get some crazy bacterial disease from it! Good luck and if you come up with something great (other than cutting off his hands) that keeps him out of the toilet - let me know!

Smittys said...

I always yell (loud) DANGER and clap my hands. There was crying usually but I still can not get her to touch things that I said that about. Plus I have a girl and they are a lot more mindful of things like that. I tell her it is yucky and she says "Yucky Mama". Anyway I am sure the next kid will be the little rebel. But hey I can still try, right?