Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Picture A Christmas.....

We bought a new camera (which I LOVE by the way) but I cannot get the memory card to show up on the computer, so this post is without pictures, but they will hopefully be coming - so go right on ahead and picture a Christmas like this.... Christmas was wonderful this year. We headed up to Idaho spent the entire break with our families enjoying sledding, snow, skiing, snowmobiling, good food, a lot of laughs and yes of course presents. The boys were so fun to watch this year, especially Sam. I just loved watching his face light up as he opened his gifts.

We also got another ultrasound done on New Years Eve Day and this time the little lady was fully cooperative and strutting her stuff! Again another confirmation that she is indeed a girl, difficult, does her own thing, oh dear.... We are so excited and I can't wait to get out there and explore the unknown world of girl clothes, hair things, tights, etc.

Finally Shawn has his residency interviews at the end of the week. He'll be flying to Frisco, TX and we'll be heading back up to Idaho to stay with family while he's gone. He is soooo ready for this to part to be here and gone! He'll do great, and I'm confident that we'll end up wherever we are supposed to. We are also making preparations to move AGAIN! We'll be packing up all of our stuff here in Utah and trekking back to Idaho at the end of the month. I'm really, really, really sick of moving, but it has been super fun to be here in Utah these past four months, and worth to have our "own" place. We'll be back with pictures hopefully tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jennilyn said...

What camera did you end up getting? I hope you get it working on your computer. I know we all will be so glad when Residency starts... or rather we will be happier when residency is over and we are all settled. Take care love ya