Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Maui WOWI!!!

You read correctly! Maui, Hawaii - that is where I sunk my toes in the sand for 7 fabulous, relaxing, beautiful, warm days..... it was a much needed and wanted vacation for Shawn and I. We were able to watch humpback whales from the shore and swim in the ocean. I can't say enough about how much fun we had, and how beautiful this island was. I'm planning on getting back as soon as possible, and hopefully next time I won't be 7 months pregnant~ I got a lot of funny looks as I sauntered around, especially on the airplane (you know that look, as if I wasn't aware that I was this pregnant too!) We had incredible food, a lot of fresh fish, and some yummy desserts.

Thank you to our families who watched our boys for us while we were gone. They had just as much fun as we did, but we sure missed them.


kim said...

WOW!!! Amazing!!! congrats on the wonderful alone time!! you deserve it. You would think those people on the plane would be the opposite and have looks like "way to go... in two months you will have absolutely no time for yourself!" too bad it doesn't happen that way! I am glad you had an amazing time.

Colette said...

The vacation looks WONDERFUL!! Don't you just love people, like pregnant people should just stay home nine months GEEZ. You look so cute pregnant. Hope Jack's injury heals well. My middle child, also a boy, went through several head wounds but I think he survived.

Elise said...

These pictures are beautiful. Megan, you look adorable!

allison said...

wow what a great trip...I agree you both deserve it and by the way you look great.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Wow, I'm super jealous. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii but have never been able to. You look so cute with your little baby bump as well, congratulations!

Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

Looks so magical..and dreamy...and yummy!!!! i am so hoping to be able to have one of those alone vacations one day soon.....sigh!!!!!
by the way you look adorable...

Freeman Family said...

Thanks for sharing a little piece of heaven with me! I can't believe how beautiful it is! I am SO glad you guys got away and had a fab time! The pics of the sand, beach and sun brightened my day! Oh, yeah and you are too cute and your baby daddy looks so happy with that big ol burger! MISS YOU!

Mandi said...

Totally jealous of your vacation. But I really thought you should know that your husband Shawn likes really super nasty food like tuna fish!! Can you believe someone would eat that stuff?? (this is what Sam told us at preschool today, it was really funny)

Biorn Family Blog said...

Totally jealous, but looks like you two had a wonderful time!! Thanks for posting the pics. Fun to see! I went to Hawaii 5 months PG and didn't look near as cute as you MEG! :)

Anonymous said...

GOOD FOR YOU- is all I can say. You guys totally deserved this trip. Can't wait to talk to you and see how everything is going. I must have called you while you were in Hawaii... sorry about that...=) We sure miss you guys and I can't wait to see you in a few months!!

Nicolette said...

Very jelous right now! Looks so beautiful and Zac and I WILL get there some day.