Monday, March 15, 2010

Scrambled to Kingston, New York

WOW! What a CRAZY, hectic, but incredibly wonderful week.... Shawn's match day was last Monday, and he found out that he didn't match, so this threw him into the scramble for unfilled residency programs. It is no wonder why they call it the scramble because that is literally what you have to do until you find a spot. It was constant phone calls, emails, faxing, interviews, etc. and a lot of wondering why things where going so bad! But we had a lot of love and support from family and friends, and many prayers said on our behalf which helped us get through. Shawn flew out to NY on Thursday and interviewed with Benedictine Hospital in Kingston, NY. It is located about 90 miles north of NYC. He and the director immediately hit it off, but the spot was still not gauranteed until they talked with the board of directors regarding surgery numbers. Shawn signed the contract this morning, and we couldn't be happier. We feel greatly blessed to have had this answer to prayers, and know how much Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. Though this was not a place we ever imagined that we would go, we are very excited to start our new adventure and invite one and all to come on out and visit us anytime they want.


Bart and Kellie said...

Yay! Glad you found some play you're excited about! (and close to Erin, you'll have to have her give you the tour when you all get out there!) Good luck!!

Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

wow!!! that is going to be quite the excited for you guys...can't wait to hear and see how you guys are are such a stinkin cute prego mom!!!! By the way, i love love the baby quilt so cute!!! so any names yet?

Andrea said...

YAY! SO happy to hear the news. I'll be honest this whole process freaking sucks. We find out this Thurs where Steve matched. My stress level is at a 10. But I am so glad to hear that everything worked out, and that you guys are happy. MISS YOU lots.

cortney and neil said...

Congrats. Kate has been keeping me informed on the situations, and I was getting a little worried for you. So Congrats again. I am sure you are so relieved.

The Allred Family said...

I am so happy for you. I have been thinking of you and praying for you all wek. This is fantastic news!

Cassie said...

How stressful Megan!! Oh I can't imagine the emotions you guys were going through. Aren't you glad that we have prayers to help us get through life, I am so glad it all worked out for you guys and that you have found a place! NY will definitely be a change, but how cool to say you have lived there!

kim said...

How exciting for you guys! You sure have been busy lately! A lot of fun things going on in your life. I map quested your new town from me and it is still a good 17 hours away. I was hoping it was a little closer!!! Congratulations and good luck. If your move puts you going through St. Louis please let me know of if you need to stay here for a night or anything please let me know!!! We would love that! So when is the big move before or after baby girl? Good luck with everything!!

Amber said...

I'm so glad you found something! I was so worried, i had talked to Michelle and so i was praying for you guys! ....And I've always wanted to go to NY!!! we will just have to;)

Ashton & Co. said...

I can;t wait to come visit! :)

mary said...

Megan, this is exciting! I am already nervous about matching, and it is a year away for us! Dave will be rotating at Benedictine in June, and he is so excited to hear Shawn will be there. Congratulations!

allison said...

oh I am so glad you found a place, how stressful. I have been thinking about everyone these past few weeks and am so glad you guys matched. Congratulations!

Debbi said...

I totally thought that I already commented, I am bad! I am so happy you guys found something, it sounds like this year was nuts! Wade said he wishes he could have helped Shawn out here, but that's a different story. NY will be a fun adventure! YAY! Good luck in the next couple months!