Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday Soup - Jack Is 18 Months and Still Alive...

Jack turned 18 months this month here are some stats:

Weight - 23 lbs (11%)
Height - 33 inches (44%)

He finally made it to nursery at church and is doing really good there. It makes Shawn and I's meetings a lot more enjoyable, and came just in the knick of time with baby only four weeks away.

He loves to eat - but has a HUGE sweet tooth. He is the complete opposite of Sam loves fruit, fruity candy, all juices, etc. He loves gum and pop too - I'm afraid we'll be spending some "quality" time at the dentist with him.

He loves to be out and about and has learned how to open all the doors in the house, including the ones going outside. This is scary, and we've had to baby proof them all now. He has absolutely no fear, and will copy any trick that anyone does - including jumping off furniture, sommersaults, and climbing on things. Again we might be spending more "quality" time with him at the doctor/ER than most other kids.

He is soooooo SWEET! He loves to hug, to say hello and goodbye to everyone, and to smile at all he meets. He is such a fun loving boy.

He is too smart for his own good, and has the memory of an elephant, if there's something he wants, he'll find a way to get it.
His obsession with the toilet has begun to die!! Yay! He's been replacing this with a love for dirt, mud, and snow and we go through about 3 outfits/day.

He doesn't talk much - but grunts a lot. He does say "mom" (he pretty much calls everyone that; and "uh-oh", he also sometimes will say "hi and bye" in a really drawn out high pitched way that always makes me laugh. He is getting really good at nodding or shaking his head when asked questions, and this has been incredibly helpful - for awhile there I thought I was going to go crazy with this communication gap.

We love Jack so much, and are so grateful for all he adds to our life. Sam is lucky to have a little brother that adores him, and to have partner in crime for the rest of his life (though Jack will probably be the instigator of the "crimes").

In OTHER News:

Bragspot.com - Shawn came home early on Wednesday and brought me roses! Just out of the blue - I love him!
Sam has officially decided that when he grows up he wants to be a ........ DOG! Yes he loves being a dog, and if we could put him on a leash, feed him from a bowl, and have him live in a dog house his life would be complete.

Here's me at 37 weeks - 3 weeks to go... AHHHH! (Photo courtesy of Sam)

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

We are so glad you are still alive Jack! Carter said the other day, "You know mom, Claire is going to marry Jack someday, even though he lives far away! I think they already have a secret communication with their grunts and uh oh's. I can't believe baby girl is almost here! MISS YOU GUYS!