Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dirty Mouth

Here's our newest suggestion for the Orbitz Gum "Dirty Mouth Campaign" - picture this......
You are walking down the stairs to find your 1 1/2 year old boy, and you find him walking out of the bathroom with a plunger in hand, sucking on the black rubber "I've been in the toilet to unclog you nasty, nasty" part ... Dirty Mouth - Clean it Up!True story by the way, how Jack has survived without coming down with amoebic dysentery is beyond me
You are on the airplane about ready to land and everyone is silent. A 4 year old boy turns to his dad and says, "Oh SH**!" as loud as his little voice can. Everyone around you starts to laugh and you sit there mortified, but trying not to laugh too, and wondering how to explain to your son that we don't say words like this. Dirty Mouth - Clean it Up! Also a true story!
Also a little post about Lyv, our little lady! She has started smiling! Our earliest smiler to date - and what a beautiful, content baby she is. We love you Lyv.

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