Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hill Family Camp-Out

Literally MINUTES within graduating from DMU - we rushed to the airport, boarded the plane and headed back to Idaho to make it to the Memorial Day camping trip. For the past three years we have missed this event, and we were bound and determined to make it this year. Then we found out that graduation was on the same weekend! Needless to say, we took the earliest flight home and made it to the last two days of camping. It was great - the food as always was divine (all the Dutch Oven fried chicken, potatoes, scones, and cobblers you could ever ask for), and I was able to see my entire family one last time before we leave for New York. Now those of you who have large families know how difficult this is - so I'm grateful to have been surrounded by them again.Master Chefs - Mom making scones; Dad manning the dutch ovens
2 Wonderful Parents
7 Strong-willed Children
6 Wonderful In-Laws
25 Crazy Grandchildren
?You do the math!

1 comment:

Ashton & Co. said...

Love the pictures. Iowa Looks and sounds like it was so much fun. Shawn looks so handsome as a doctor! Love you guys!