Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dr. Summers

It has finally happened! We cannot believe how quickly four years has come and gone. Graduation from Medical school was such a great moment in Shawn's life - and we all felt so proud of all of his hard work over the past four years. It really hit me while we were sitting there in graduation what a monumental day it really is, to have Shawn moving into the "real" part of being doctor is such a huge accomplishment and I'm so glad that we were there to see him hooded, and recieve his diploma. I also was very impressed by the number of times that is was mentioned on Podiatrists being recognized as being Physicians. So many people don't realize this, but one speaker said that their scope to diagnose is unlimited - their scope to treat however is limited to the foot. We are all so proud of Shawn, and hope that he will also know how much we love him for his willingness to work so hard for our family.

Podiatry Banquet

John-Jenn Humphers, Bryan-Autumn Hall, Kylin-Laurie Kovac, Christian-Jennilyn Tolboe, Shawn-Megan Summers

Des Moines University


Beth Willmore said...

Congratulations you guys! That's a huge accomplishment!

Smittys said...

YAY Dr. Summers!!!

Nicolette said...

Halelujah! Congrats to both of you because I know it's just as hard on the wife.