Saturday, July 3, 2010

Be Glad YOU don't live in Badtown

Sam & Jack start walking outside with back packs on, Sam says, "Mom we're secret agents, and we have secret powers." We go outside they take out their secret identities and show me some killer moves like this: Sam then informs me that we live in BADTOWN, and we have to get the bad guys, so its a good thing that he and Jack have secret powers: His - he shoots Transformers out of his sunglasses; Jack shoots fire out of his sunglasses. BAD GUYS, BEWARE!

Here's a little Jack Talk for you - I was going to make a post entitle Perspective to show you a little of Jack's antics. He is just not interested in toys, and if does play with things its never in the proper way its meant to be used, take for instance the swing set. He uses the slide as a platform to stand on and dangle off of, his swing to stand on (safe), and the tetter totter to hand over. Today he decided a better use for the tongs should be as a fork for his pears. He needs a bigger bowl.
He's also recently become super interested in the toilet, and "trying" to go to the bathroom - he never actually goes. I should be really excited right? But no -he just likes to take off his clothes. However, I found him in the bathroom, on the toilet, all by himself, so proud that he was "going"! Great job, Jack!


My Everythings said...

Not even fair. I am so jealous you guys got together. I can't believe you didn't invite me. I totally would have been there! :)
Lyv is SO PRECIOUS. I love her Fourth outfit.

Freeman Family said...

Jack makes me smile! I am so glad he is figuring out the purpose of the toilet! Love Sam's superbad outfit! :) Miss you guys!