Friday, July 9, 2010

You Have Your Hands Full!

Everytime I've dared to venture out (which isn't very often) people always look at me like I'm CRAZY, and then say in a very sympathetic voice, "You have your hands full!" I always want to respond in a very sarcastic, "Really?" or "Thanks, I didn't realize that I have three children running wild." But as I've been finally experiencing our "real life" the past few weeks - that is me with the kids for the entire day, I have to agree, I do have my hands full. Full of:
Laundry & Dishes,
Dirty Diapers,
Crumbs and Spills,
Dirt & Mud,
Jack's Crazy Antics (usually involving a toilet)
Sam's Teasing,
Lyv's Need to be Held,
Lyv's sweet smile when she wakes up,
Sam's funny giggle and cute made up words,
Jack's four word vocabulary and attempts at other words,
Three kids that cuddle with me,
Stories to read,
Tears to dry,
Hands to Hold,
Cheeks to kiss,
and a lot more!
So yes I do have my hands full, and it is not always what I want it full of - but even after I've nearly had an anxiety attack from feeling overwhelmed with all that is going on, at the end of the day and sometimes in the middle or beginning, I feel so HAPPY - that these three beautiful, smart, healthy children were entrusted to me. I just hope that I make their days as FULL as they always make mine.


The Halls said...

Hey Missy It was so good to see you guys and your beautiful family. It looks like your settlting in well love your house its beautiful!! lots of love!

Jennilyn said...

I posted about this a little while ago...can't people think of anything else to say than "wow you have your hands full". I just want to say "come on I dare you to say what you are really thinking!" I love those rolls on Lyv. So cute. Miss ya

Julie said...

So cute and typical little "dirty" boys. I sure you all. Lyvs rolls are adorable. Hope to see you soon.

Amber said...

You are such a good mom! You do have your hands full but I think you are handling it so great! They are lucky to have you. We miss you guys, it sounds like it's quite the adventure out there! I want to come so bad! Tell Shawn Broc would be proud of his ribs....especially sweating it out by the grill:)

Freeman Family said...

Better to have your hands full than to have your hands empty! LOVE Lyv's rolls! I bet the ribs were extra tasty with a dose of Shawn's sweat in them! Hope the residency is going well. Miss you guys!