Monday, October 18, 2010

Summers' Schenanigans - Life is a Zoo

Sam scored his 1st goal in his soccer game on Saturday! He is really liking soccer and it is a much needed "outlet" for his energy. We headed to the Bronx Zoo after his soccer game and enjoyed the Boo at the Zoo. Sam was able to get in free because he wore his Halloween costume, and they had a lot of neat Halloween activities going on. The kids loved the gorillas, elephants, tigers, and crocodiles. Lyv didn't love the zoo, maybe its the teething (she broke another tooth, that is two on the bottom) or the fact that she was buried in popcorn, but she would have prefered a less restrained activity. Teething has not been a fun thing with her - she seems to be extra uncomfortable, and it is so hard to see her not be content, because she is so happy normally.

The fall colors are in peak foliage, and I'll try to post some pictures next time - they are AMAZING. Really it is almost hazardous for SHawn and I, since we look at the trees instead of the road while we drive. On our way to and from the zoo we took the Tappen Zee Bridge (isn't that the funniest name?) over the hudson. It was HUGE! I have a whole new appreciation for bridges and rivers.

Jack is quite the character and this morning he put the Mickey ears on Lyv and ran over to me, covering his mouth fake laughing, and pointing at Lyv. I totally cracked up. What a funny little guy.

Finally I have confessions of a stay at home mom - I'm not always nice to my kids (I know you are all in shock at this unbelievable fact). One particularly trying day this week I looked at them and thought why am I not glad that I'm at home with them right now? The answer hit me like a brick - I need to take the "I" out of my day. I wake up and go through the day trying to check off my list of to do's, feel fulfilled for me, but what about my kids? Do I think how are they going to be "fulfilled" today, or what things am I going to make sure to do with them today? Too often I think that I'm entitled to a break, or relaxation since I do this all day - WRONG! I chose to to do this, and I need to remember that I only have them with me for a short period of time, and I need to make the most of it for me and them, and for me that means putting them first. So Sam, Jack, Lyv - I'm sorry that I've been impatient, unkind, and pretty much no fun - I'm going to try harder.


Ashton & Co. said...

jack is so funny! and that is a funny name! we miss you soooo much! love the pics of lyv so exited to see you guys in feb love you

Andrea said...

I just love you Megan! Thanks for keeping it real. I find myself asking very similar questions myself some days. Especially when my husband is gone usually around 70-80 hrs a week, and I don't have any family close by to 'give me a break' either. Sometimes I forget that I chose this life. The good along with the bad. I sure do miss seeing you around.

Jennilyn said...

Was your hair curly in that pic at the zoo??? You are so cute.

You always put it perfectly, I am sure that is how a lot of us Mom's feel at this stage of our kids life. Love ya.

Freeman Family said...

All I have to say is I really miss you guys! Hang in there momma. I am always envious of how you manage to put it all together. I have a feeling your mean days are my nice days to my kids! Ha ha!

Amber said...

Cute pics! Keep your eyes on the road..haha.. I'm glad you got to take the kids to the zoo, i bet it was better then tauphus park;) And about the being nice to kids...i totally feel ya! Sometimes I feel so mean and then I realize they probably just want a hug or for me to play with them instead of clean all day or sit on the computer;) Its all a learning experience!

Anonymous said...

Miss you guys! And I totally needed to hear that this week also. But you ARE an amazing mom, your kids are lucky to have you.