Monday, October 11, 2010

Summers' Schenanigans

To start off I want to record two stories for Shawn and his residency. #1)We have a new reason to have to buy new tennis shoes - your old ones got soaked with blood (Hep C blood to be exact) doing an ankle fracture repair, in Shawn's words, "there was just so much blood!" Totally gross, and a reason I never thought I would be shopping for new shoes for. #2) There is a little old lady who LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Shawn, because he is very careful taking care of an open wound she has. She just rants and raves over how wonderful of a doctor he is going to be, and told him a few days ago that he was not only a great doctor, but he was going to be famous (not sure how podiatry is going to lead him to fame, but who knows?) Then, and this is the greatest part, as she walked out, she came up behind him and gave him a smooch on the cheek. Back off little old lady, he's taken!! Seriously isn't that so cute.

Jack has had another eventful week - he never fails to crack us up or "crack" himself more specifically his head up too. He got a black eye, a little roadrash on his forhead and a bug bite. I didn't get a very good shot of the black eye, but it looks like stage make-up right now. It really makes his eyes pop! He also enjoyed his first candy apple at the Adam's Market Fall Festival on Saturday and was a big fan. He finally got a much needed haircut, and I love this picture of him in one of Sam's old outfits, he looks so dapper! He has such a funny personality because he does things that are funny on purpose, trying to get a laugh out of us, and he usually succeeds. He came up to me the other night with these googles on and stuck his little head around the corner and yelled Ma!!! We love this goof-ball!! Lyv has had a rough week. She is teething and finally broke her first tooth - bottom right! She is such a happy girl, so for her to be so fussy has been new, and her sleeping (and therefore my sleeping) has really taken a beating. She has started eating "food" - she tried carrots and sweet potatoes, and is not a huge fan of either. She's waiting for me to introduce the cake and icecream. Doesn't she look so big in her high chair? She has also started to roll and scoot all over. I love laying her down in the middle of the room and then finding her underneath the crib. And we finally got her into the red wagon, although she nearly topples over, she was able to go up the drive and back. She was more interested in trying to get the flowers Jack had loaded up in the cup holders that in anything around her, which also made her lean a little too much.
Sam's happenings are mostly preschool related because we've done two projects that he thought were "awesome" or in his words "That's what I'm talkin' about!" We did a volcano ( which scored me some major super cool mom points)and in honor of Columbus Day sailed our own versions of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. Unfortunately, the sails were a little top heavy and they all sunk. We'll be leaving the sailing to real experts. One sweet story that happened with Sam and his dad. The boys were playing outside and Sam decided to get him and Shawn a drink. They sat down in their lawn chairs, sipping their ice waters, and Sam turned to SHawn and said, "Isn't this great day? We're sitting in our chairs, looking at our baseball field, drinking our waters....." I love this about Sam, but it also reminds me how big he is getting.


Ashton & Co. said...

OH jack! Those are such great pictures! They are growing up so fast! I can't believe how big Lyv is getting! Give them all a squeeze from me! :)

My Everythings said...

I was wondering when you were gonna get Lyv's cute little tootsies on your it.
And honestly, she is BEAUTIFUL. I want one!
You have a gorgeous family.
Jack totally looks like the joker in his candy apple picture.
love and miss you tons!!

kim said...

Cute!!! Your family is so cute and I love it. I need to blog more instead of just reading others!! Maybe one day! Love all the stories!

Freeman Family said...

Shawn must have a STRONG stomach! I would have passed out if I saw that much blood! He is such a rockstar! I love that the little old lady LOVES him! I want to kiss Jack's candy appled cheeks! He always makes me smile! Sam is looking so old and Lyv is cute as ever! Miss you a ton! So good to talk to you the other day...sorry we got cut off!

Julie said...

I am so homesick for everybody! Jack is such a character and so cute! Sam is growing up so fast. What a handsome sweet boy. And Lyv.....oh my gosh, we have missed some much. She couldn't get any cuter. Sure excited to see you soon. Have fun at the zoo this weekend. We should finish with the spuds on friday....hurray! I sShawn still in shock over the piler operator?

Amber said...

Sam is such a cutie. He has to marry Brylee:) LOVE the goggles on Jack, that made me smile. He's so cute. And Lyv is so cute, she is getting so big. I so want to come see you guys!!!