Sunday, October 24, 2010

Summers' Schenanigans

Sam scored another goal at his soccer game yesterday, and was soooo excited since we were all there to cheer him on. Kids sports at this age is hilarious, they would much rather run around and play with each other than focus on the game. We have a hard time watching Sam be a goof ball, and try to "encourage" him to pay attention, okay so we sometimes yell - "Sam watch the ball!" Regardless, he has a super fun time frolicking on the field, and ever once in a while actually playing soccer.
Sam has been saying some really funny things lately - here's a little sample:
Outside, Shawn could smell something grilling, and Sam said, "Oh your dreams have come true Dad, you get to have a hamburger!"
Listening to the Primary song, "The Scriptures Can Lead Me to Jesus" Sam said, "Why are the scriptures mean to Jesus?" I was very confused and tried to caught up with his train of thought, thinking that maybe he was referring to the crucifixion and suggested this. He said, "No mom, we sing the scriptures can be mean to Jesus!" Again I thought what?, and then it came: The lyrics could sound like The scriptures can be mean to Jesus instead of Lead me to Jesus. Oops.

We carved our pumpkins on Monday and Sam loved doing it this year, guts and all. Jack would have nothing to do with pulling out the insides, which I thought was wierd, since he's into everything else. He would just say - yuck! He did try to juggle the carving knives, which we had to have on constant survelliance but we did it. Our Dracula, Pirate Skull and Crossbones, Cat, and of course Our little Princess.
Jack has started to spout out words, and I'm soooo happy! What a difference it makes when he can actually tell me what he needs and wants. New words include: "I don't know" "Milk" "Church" "Sis" "Shoes" "Keys" and my personal favorite - "Sure"! He never says yes to questions, so if I ask Jack, do you want to take a bath, "Sure" is the response. He is so cute! He also loves Sam's soccer and is quite the little dribbler. Unfortunately he tends to show his skills on the field during the games, not so cute then.

Lyv is 6 months, has 2 teeth on the bottom, babbles constantly, and is was introduced to the baby swing on the swing set. This has caused a sort of musical chairs - Lyv is in the baby swing, Jack the big boy swing, and Sam hanging from any other random part of the swing set.

The fall colors are AMAZING! I've been meaning to get out and take some pictures so we can have this on record, but I always forget to pull it out in time. Here's one pic of a tree at the soccer field, but its like this everywhere, and just beautiful.

Also the leaves from the trees in our yard are HUGE! They are as long as my foot and could substitute as a hat.
Finally we got a surprise Halloween package from our dear friends - the kids loved the light up pitch forks, wall hangings, and I loved the cute witches hat for Lyv!
How funny - she is so bewitching! Thanks Janke's we miss you!


kim said...

You are so good at posting. It is amazing. I have so many thing sI want to post about and then don't and then it is too late and the time has past. Oh, well! I love reading your blog and seeing what you guys are up to. Three kids is so much fin isn't it. Always busy, always something going on and always someone to laugh at. You guys look great!!!

Anonymous said...

YOU JUST MADE MY DAY WITH THAT PICTURE.... thanks for making me smile and what an adorable little witch =) love you guys!

Freeman Family said...

Way to show up everyone else's pumpkins yet again! Wish you were here to trick or treat with us! Miss you!