Friday, December 9, 2011

For the Love!...(all in an hour)

I know that there have been several posts dedicated to Jack and his talent for destruction. I honestly stand all amazed at the trappings of his mind. Is there another child out there to match him? I would bet money that he is truly ONE of a kind. The past few days have been filled with horrible parent moments, and I have to say that I failed the test over 75% of the time. My hand hurt from spankings, and my conscience was pricked from all the yelling and shouting I did. Jack and I have had this constant battle since he turned 18 months. I can honestly say that I LOVE him, and his personality. I love his sense of humor, his crazy curiosity, and his ability to figure things out.... he is the comic relief we need everyday! However... I don't love his constant need (and for him it does seem to be a need) to destroy, take apart and ruin all things around him. Last week (just for fun mind you) he torn every key off of our laptop. Shawn and I spent 2 hours putting each one back on. Yesterday I woke up with resolve, yet again, to handle Jack with patience. I have broken up my household cleaning chores to do them on different days, so I don't leave Jack and Lyv unsupervised for an extended period of time. I was doing my usual Thursday chore of cleaning the big floor, and this is what Jack decided to do: I was mad, but handled it without yelling or spanking (pat myself on the back) started to clean that up, and looked over to see Jack dancing around in my dust piles from sweeping. This added to my frustration and I did give Jack a quick spank and told him to go to his room and play with TOYS!! I finally got the bean bag mess cleaned up, went to get the kids' shoes on for storytime and found them in the room with this creative play: All in 1 hour! For the love! I love this boy and wouldn't trade him for anything, but I need to remind myself of this quite a bit, and ask his forgiveness for the many, MANY times that I fail the patience test with him. But after all that mess, he wore himself out and gave me the gift of time: 2 hours of that I was actually able to not worry about what he was destroying or getting into.


My Everythings said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would drive me batty. Good thing he is such a charmer.

Julie said...

But he looks like such an angel when he is sleeping! I sure enjoy your posts. Hope all is to all!