Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Max- 1 month

I can't believe how quickly the time has past!  Can my precious little baby boy be 1 month old already? He continues to grow like a weed.  People who see him always comment on how "old" he looks.  He really never looked much like an infant, and is continuing to pack on the pudge.  We go to his 1 month check up on Monday, and I'll be able to record his official stats then.

He continues to be a good baby, and loves to be held...oops!  That might be because we all (me and the kids) hold him every chance we get.  He seems to have a bit of a gas issue, and doesn't seem to be as content as he was.  I'm going to try some drops to help out with this.

He eats super dooper fast!  Holy smokes, literally 5-10 minutes and he's done.  I hope that this will get a little bit better as he gets older and sleeps longer.

He prefers an inclined position when he sleeps, so we've propped up the crib mattress.

He is by far the noisiest baby I've had!  He grunts and makes little sounds when he eats and sleeps!  I can't stand having him sleep in the same room because of this.  The constant noise make me ultra paranoid!

 Max and two of his adoring fans!

Max has survived 1 month, including Jack pulling him out of the crib all on his own (SCARED ME TO DEATH!), constant not so gentle hugs, kisses, pats, etc. from his loving siblings; and the occasional poke in the mouth and eyes! I am feeling like I don't get as much time enjoying him as an infant, because every extra moment seems to be spent with the other kiddos or trying to maintain the house.  I am making a very conscious effort to not let this be the case, as Max is most likely the caboose to our family.

Having a baby this close to Christmas has been a very spiritual experience.  Sitting at church on Sunday we were singing Away in A Manger, and my thoughts turned to Mary.  As I sat rocking my own sweet boy, I couldn't help wonder at the amazing woman she was.  I can only imagine how difficult it was for her to see her own Son, suffer and die.  I am grateful for her strength and for her Son.

Max we love you so much, and continue to feel blessed to have you in our family.  You bring such a peaceful spirit.

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