Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Max is 3 Months!

Max is 3 months!  He continues to top the charts in weight and height (15 lbs. 13 oz.; 25.5 inches) and brightens our day with his adorable smile.  He's barely able to squeeze his chubby body into 3-6 month clothes (who makes the sizes for these? - I need to write them a strongly worded letter and let them know that they don't apply to my kids)

He is right on the verge of giggle, and he did give me a brief preview of that sweet sound last night, but I won't record it until it is happening consistently.  He loves batting at his bouncy seat toys and kicking his chubby legs in the bath tub.  He still loves his siblings, but only at a safe distance.  He makes me laugh because his smiles at everyone, over anything.  At church this Sunday, he was staring at a guy from the ward talking during Sunday school.  The guy wasn't even looking at Max, but Max was just ear to ear grinning at him.  He is such a sweetie!

In sad news though - Max developed a pretty nasty chest cold and had to have breathing treatments here at home.  He was a good sport and is feeling much better in that respect, now he's moved on to an ear infection and is on antibiotics, but still smiling!  Hopefully this is the worst of his sickness!

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