Sunday, August 6, 2017

Last Day of School, 4 months, and Keele's come to town

Finally in what seemed like an extremely long school year - thanks to all the snow days - school finally ended!  The kids were ready, and so was I!  It was a great year, but we felt extremely stretched as we tried to get the kids from one point to the next.  I guess that is just the stage of life that we are in right now.  I'm trying my best to be a good sport about it, but Eva sure throw us for a curve ball in our ability to just hop in the car and go.  Thankfully she is an incredible baby and really has been so patient with all of these constant goings and comings.  The kids are doing well and continue to love being involved.  

 Jack had his end of the year recital and I am thrilled to report that he LOVES LOVES piano!!  This kid will sit down several times throughout the day and practice all on his own.  That is saying a lot.  Many tasks require a lot of prodding on my part in order to see Jack perform, but piano is a love that he already has inside of him.  I have so enjoyed watching him grow and improve.  I hope that this is a true love and that he continues well into his teens!

 After a string of visitors we were lucky enough to get the Keele's to stay with us for a weekend.  I have so enjoyed having family in our house the past two months!  It makes it feel so much more like home.  This family is such a fun group to be with and we laughed and laughed as we talked.  I'm so grateful for my siblings and my nieces and nephews.  They bring so much love into my life.

Finally sweet Miss Eva turned 4 months!!  That's right 4 months - where does time go??  I adore this girl from her chubby cheeks to little toes.  She has brought such a joy into our home as everyone loves her and oohs and ahhs at her all day.  She weighed in at 15 lbs. 8 oz and was 25.5 inches long.  She smiles all the time and finally let a tiny giggle escape with Lyv the other day.  She is pretty hard pressed to let out a full laugh but is a very happy alert baby.  She is continuing to sleep well and kicks, kicks her legs any chance she gets!  She has even managed to scratch the backs of her legs with her toenails because she goes at it so hard sometimes!

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