Sunday, August 6, 2017

Yakima in July

We quickly got back into the swing of things when we finally got back to Yakima!  Max renewed his love for legos and continues to amaze with his awesome lego ships!  Love this master builder.

Jack, our resident entrepreneur, opened up the lemonade stand and the other quickly caught the fever!  His first day he made $3.50.  (thanks to some pretty awesome neighbors).  True to fashion - he didn't let me know that is what he was doing, just went out and started it all on his own.  

 These just made me giggle!

Lyv took the plunge and decided to cut her hair!  I wasn't so sure she would be happy with it, but she didn't think twice and she looks adorable!

 Another documented mom fail!  Just when I think I'm kind of getting a hang of things, something always reminds me that I have so much to learn!  Max had cavities on his lower teeth and was numb from the shots they gave him.  He started chewing on his lower lip and it quickly became swollen and sore!!  Poor dude!  I felt so bad that I hadn't kept a better eye on him.  But he was a champ and didn't complain at all about having a Bubba Gump lip for a week.

 Again....the cuteness is at an all time high!  Seriously how does she do it??  I could just eat her!

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