Friday, June 20, 2008

Sam's Saturday Soup

This week has been great, mainly due to nice weather! We've had a blast playing with our friends and soaking up the sun. Here are some highlights.
Sam's OCD Line - He lines up his cars with similar cars or ones that go together in the movie, even his lunch boxes are lined up very nicely!
Pirate Binoculars - Sam and I got crafty and he stamped up these toilet rolls and we tied them together and wholla: Binoculars Matey!
Mini Golf with Dad - Gangsta Style

Finally before I go - I took Sam to the pool by myself today, thinking how fun will this be, right? Wrong - he will not swim unless another friend is swimming with him. He literally cried for half of the time there and I had to force him into the water - hence the crying! How do I get him to enjoy the water a little more on his own?? Any suggestions would be great.


The Wilks Family said...

He's such a cute little golfer! You guys have to get him and Grant out on the golf course together! Shawn and Brandon used to love driving the golf cart (I don't think Grant loved it though).

cortney and neil said...

I wish my kids would have ocd they are slobs. I don't know what to tell you about the water. I have one of each. Mason is a fish, and Avery just runs around the pool. The funniest thing every time I pull up your blog I laugh because for some reason I would recognize your feet anywhere even if I didn't know it was your blog. I guess it's the whole clogging thing. Pretty funny huh

Julie and Kyle said...

holy cow. everything about this post is SO gavin. he lines things up, freaks out in the water, and loves pirates. crazy!

mary said...

Our boys are OCD the same way! And David has a huge conniption if anyone (Hyrum) disturbs something he has organized. This is causing some trauma in our house...

I don't have any answers about getting Sam to enjoy the water by himself-- just call David to join him!

Amber said...

That is hilarious about the cars! What a funny guy. I know what you mean about the swimming, Brylee gets all weird when I take her to do stuff like that. I took her to the spray park a couple days ago and do you know what she did the whole time, she climbed this pole thing that was there, didn't even go in the water! Payson got more wet than her. Weird children we have!

Nicolette said...

I think you should just put a life jacket on him and throw him in the deep end. Then bring a in a clown to dance around on the side. That oughta make him laugh. (I'm SOOOO just kidding!) Maybe that's why I don't have kids yet, huh?

Ashton & Co. said...

LOVE the binocs. And the mini golf pics are so cute- love that kid! Sounds like he has a bit of Grandma Julie and Aunt Brigit in him lining those cars up like that...!
I've always heard to make sure you dump water over their heads when you bathe them to get used to water in their face and such. I don't know if that applies to a pool, but I know my girls so far really have no fear of getting wet. Could be his age too, my girls haven't liked pools until they are 4 or so... I don't know, maybe he needs a playmate like a little brother :)

Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

I just love the OCD in little boys. Wes has to do that with all of his tractors. And then he lays down by them and stares and them, I thinks its hilarious. About the water, KIDS ARE KIDS, you never know how their going to act.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having us over to swim. It was nice not having to entertain my boys for a day. I love the pictures of Sam miniature golfing, way too cute!!

Brigit said...

What a cutie pie! I just noticed that Michelle is claiming that Sam may get a little of the OCD from me. How lucky is he - another "star" in the family.

I hope things are going well for you with the pregnancy. Give Shawn and little "Tiger" a squeeze from us.

Nicolette said...

Hey woman, are you going to Idaho at all this summer? I'm heading home July 14-30.

Courtney said...

I don't really know why Drew loves the water, but he always has, so I'm no help there. But call us, we'll go swimming with you!! Drew loves to have friends to swim with!