Tuesday, April 7, 2009

TidBit Tuesday

Happy Easter to all!! I LOVE Easter - it's such a great holiday! Here are my Easter Tidbits:

#1: Easy Decor - Target & Walmart are always selling the cute tin buckets for super cheap, and with a bunch of spring flowers it makes an cute decoration. Another idea that I've loved is filling a clear vase with jelly beans, then stuffing the rest with easter basket rafia and getting flowers to match. I also buy the holiday dish towels and use them as center piece/table cloth pieces. I know I'm super cheap, but that's how we roll in our house! What do you do for easter decor?

#2: Ressurection Rolls - I got this Family Home Evening idea from my sister-in-law Brigit. Its a perfect way to teach your kids about the ressurection, and why we celebrate Easter. Not to mention it is super yummy. We ate ours with a little Whipped Cream and loved them!
Crescent rolls
melted butter
large marshmallows

•Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
•Give each child a triangle of crescent rolls. The crescent roll represents the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.
• Give each child a marshmallow, this represents Jesus’ body.
• Have them dip the marshmallow in melted butter, which represents the oils of embalming.
• Then dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar which represent the spices used to anoint the body.
• Then wrap the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll (not like a typical crescent roll up, but bring the sides up and seal the marshmallow inside.) This represents the wrapping of Jesus' body after death.
• Bake for 10-12 minutes. The oven represents the tomb.
• When the rolls have cooled slightly, the children can open their rolls (cloth) and discover that Jesus is no longer there, He is risen. (The marshmallow and the crescent roll are puffed up, but empty.)

(NOTE- Another less messy option is to cut the large marshmallow in half, then put them into cupcake papers and baked them in the muffin tin. Less marshmallow will help them be more hollow inside.)

#3: Easter Egg Leftovers - Now this tidbit is mostly for people not from the great state of Idaho! What to do with all of those eggs you dye? You can make deviled eggs, which are good, but we use our in Potato Salad!! Yummo! Shawn's Granny is famous for her potato salad, and I've tried for 6 1/2 years to get mine to be that good to no avail! Alas ... here is my recipe.

4-6 Potatoes, peeled & boiled (take care not to over boil, makes salad dressing gritty)
Boiled Eggs, peeled and chopped
2 - Green Onion - thinly sliced
2 stalks of Celery - chopped
1 medium Cucumber - diced
Dill Pickle (optional) - diced
*Secret to Granny's recipe is that she cuts all the ingredients REALLY small!!
3/4 cup miracle whip
1 tsp sugar
1-2 tsp mustard
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp dill pickle juice (optional)
salt and pepper to taste

Put vegetables into a large bowl. In a seperate bowl mix the dressing, then add to the vegetables. Refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours, overnight is best. Top with paprika for color!

#4: Easter Egg Hunt! My parents hid our eggs outside every year growing up. They always had the old "familiar" spot to hide eggs (like in the mail box, on the car rims, on the utility box, and in the tree), but they always seemed to find clever new ones to throw us off. As we got older and too cool to hunt, they upped the anty! They started to fill plastic eggs with $$$$! Needless to say we did some surviellance prior to the hunt, ran as fast as we could, knocking each other down in the process, & freezing our tails off because half of the time there was still snow on the ground! But is was worth it. This High Stakes Easter Egg hunt continues on to this day, and it's something I look forward to every year. So if you are facing some teenage attitude, or just want to try something new and fun try using a little bribery - its so much fun!!


Jennilyn said...

I love your potato salad it is the BEST!!!

cortney and neil said...

That is the cutest family home evening idea. I'm always looking for ways to teach my kids about death, and the resurrection. They have the hardest time grasping the concept. We are going to do this Sunday morning. Since we aren't venturing out to church yet.

Team Harris said...

Just the other day I was thinking about when we all went to St. Anthony for easter and your mom made us lamb and did and easter egg hunt for us. Great memories. Your mom is so sweet.

{Erica} said...

Love the Easter decor ideas. Our decor consists of an egg tree ... and Lillies.

THat is an AWESOME idea for FHE. We're going to do that on Monday even if it's after Easter! So cool!

My parents would hide eggs outside (with the exception of a few Easter's where it snowed in Utah). They would always have a Kara chocolate egg with each child's name on it hidden very well and a big Easter gift for each child hidden somewhere as well and a book. We'd still be finding the foiled Easter hued chocolates weeks later in the garden or while mowing the lawn. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the ideas and can't wait to make a bouquet with jelly beans. I made the cinnamon rolls they actually turned out AMAIZING. My family says thank you for the all the great food ideas you always have. They are greatly benefiting.

Katie said...

Wow, what a great idea those rolls are!

Maybe I can do that for my Achievement Day girls?!?

Colette said...

Thanks for the ideas, as always they are GREAT! Teenage attitude? Got that!! Thanks for the tidbit to keep them entertained.

Tiffany said...

Adrianne and Brigitte used to call those rolls "cinnamon surprises" and they'd make us sit at their "restaurant" and order them.
I'm glad you posted the recipe! I love those!

mary said...

What awesome recipes! Thanks for sharing! Looks like your Easter was super.