Friday, April 1, 2011


Well sort of - Jack is in the middle of the drama that we call "Potty Training." He is able, but unwilling most of the time. This is a big difference from Sam - who just decided one day that he was going to do it and did. Jack doesn't like remembering to go, or leaving his toys to get to the bathroom on time.

I've tried Swedish Fish, suckers, and Twix.... so far "red goey fish" are the best motivater. Because of his inconsistancy, we've alternated between big boy underwear, pull-ups and diapers. I know this is probably making worse than better, but after 3 poopy big boy undies, I had enough! But today we had sweet success (with modesty!)..... can't you see it on his face?


Jennilyn said...

I love that last pic of Jack...who does he look like??

Freeman Family said...

Oh man I feel your pain! Carter was a piece of cake and now we have Claire! We alternate between those 3 as well because I refuse to rinse out poopy underwear anymore. She has the peeing down, no prob..poop, not so much! Prizes, candy, etc don't seem to work. Maybe if I tell her her friend Jack goes in the potty that will seal the deal! Good you!