Sunday, April 10, 2011

Risky Business

In motherhood there is always a give and take, and at times you have to give a little in order to get a little done. In my experience it is during these moments of me trying to get a little done, that I give my children freedom to do things I wouldn't normally allow. This usually means that Jack finds a new way to look at things. Look out Tom Cruise there's a new man in town...... Jack has decided that going around the house "commando" is a great idea! Don't you just love the sunglasses upside down? Jack is master of mischief. Last week I took the kids to the church to redo some of the Primary bulletin boards. I figured I'll lock them up in the primary room - provide them with a dvd, toys, and snacks, and they'll be fine! Good idea in theory, but theory has yet to meet Jack. After 15 minutes of productive work, an member of the ward walked in and announced that a small boy had just climbed out of the window! What! Of course this is my small male man.... If I had even thought for one second that the windows opened, or that they wouldn't have screens I would have never thought this room was the perfect jail. He even noted that Jack carefully closed the window from the outside like he was putting things back just as he found them as not to leave a trail! Luckily he didn't get out for too long... but all of the questions of what could have happened keep me up at night! He is going to wear me out long before he hits his teens.

In other exciting events - Lyv has had her first experience with elastics .... Yes, I finally managed piggy tails. She was not at all thrilled about this little experiment of mine and I practically had to pin her down to get it done, but I had to see. She looked so funny. Jack and Sam couldn't quit laughing at her. She is turning into quite the little diva - so we got her first set of sunglasses on Saturday. She put them on right away and gave a little shimmy, booty shake in approval. She is such a ham! This picture cracked me up because she looks like she is smoking a big chapstick cigar!

Lastly we got a big, wonderful, black, bouncy, enclosed, piece of HEAVEN....
A trampoline! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Summers - this is the best birthday gift the kids (and Shawn and I) could have ever asked for!


Jennilyn said...

1.Jack is one sexy beast!
2.Lyv's piggys are the cutest!
3.Stop letting your kids smoke!
4. Trampolines are the BEST! I love ours.

Emily said...

I'm waiting for the "Jack just broke his leg on the trampoline" post to follow :)

Ashton & Co. said...

I am so glad to see that the tramp has not yet been broken by Shawn! :) Lyv is so cute with piggies!! I love all the pics. I can't believe she is going to be one. Lots of love!

Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

your kids are so stinkin cute!!! And yes it sounds like Jack and Grant are just alike....i can't seem to catch up with him....climbing out the window sounds just like him....i love it!!!! As hard as it may seem to catch up with these seems even harder not to love them even more....

Beth Willmore said...

Don't mind me, I'm just going to comment on EVERY single post - just because I can... :)
Dad and Collette got us a tramp this last year and it's been the best gift ever! The kids love it and it and if we put a chair out there they can get on and off by themselves and keep them entertained for a long time while I can actually accomplish something! Yay for trampolines! (Except just yesterday Meg was begging me to play Dead Man Dead Man with her... um yeah - I'm like a beached whale, if I laid down on my back and she bounced me I'd never be able to get up again...)