Saturday, October 29, 2011

Jack Talk

The past few weeks Jack has been on a roll with funny comments. I wanted to record some of these before I forget.

Jack's MO for getting in trouble is to try to make it funny. If he can find a way to make Shawn or I laugh he knows that he wins. So he was getting in trouble with Shawn, and he turns to Shawn and starts singing, "You've got blood on your face, you big disgrace,..." (We are the Champions - Queen) Shawn bursted out laughing, and Jack got a way it AGAIN.

He was playing playdough and mixed all the colors together and turned to me and said, "Mom I making diarrhea! Want to try some?"

Toy Story 3 is a favorite and a part on it where Potato Head is using the tortilla as a body, he says to a bird, "What you lookin' at feathers?" Jack finds this to be hilarious and repeats it all of the time, HOWEVER, when he says it is sound more like "What you lookin' at FAT A**!" Needless to say Shawn and I get a HUGE kick out of this.

There are many more times when he gives us a huge laugh, and I love this about Jack. He really loves to entertain those around him.

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