Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Magic of Moments

Fall brings the blessing of returning to a routine. When I have conversations with my family far from us, and they ask what's new, we don't have a lot of new to report. Our life is routine, mondane, and often unexciting. I seem to only blog on our adventures out and about, and this makes me wonder if I miss those "moments" that occur everyday. My life is full of adventures big and small, ages 6-18 months. I believe in magic, and though they may seem extraordinarily ordinary, I witness these tender, sweet magical moments daily.

The Magic of stories....

The magic of toys...and trying to share them....The magic of cute outfitsthe magic of bubbles...the magic of flowers...the magic of blue eyes (could this face be any more beautiful?)the magic of "cheese"the magic of giggles...the magic of swimsuits (I have a personal attachment to swimsuits)the magic of apples....the magic of smiley face rainboots...(magically no more wet muddy shoes)the magic of a wave goodbye..

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

Kudos to you momma for taking time to recognize all those magic moments! It is a great reminder that we don't have to be "busy" with our kids and just enjoy them without planning out a ton of activities. Hugs to everyone! Love you!