Friday, October 14, 2011

Our life by Numbers

Numbers say a lot about life. We use them to keep track of time, money, age, dates, weight, height, even blood count. This is our week in numbers:

1 - the number of colors that Lyv wore yesterday: She looks like she's been hosed down with peptobismol! (If you can name the movie that quote is from you earn extra kuddos!)
2- the number of things wrong with Jack's attire in this picture. (okay this number is kind of subjective because really the entire ensemble needs some serious reconsideration!) - his shoes are on the wrong feet and his helmet is on backwards!

30 - giggles that came out of my mouth while taking these pictures. He is so funny sometimes.

3 - the number of times I've washed the boys' sheets in that past four days! No more bed wetting!! and also the number of lunches I packed this week thanks to Columbus Day and one hot lunch/week.

9 - the number of little ones we had over to our house on Wednesday for the annual Halloween cookie extravaganza. I don't think I should record the number of cookies I ate and/or sprinkles Jack used to decorate his cookies with.

78 - the average temperature from Fri - Monday!

30 - the number of minutes the boys played on the trampoline with the sprinkler under it. Monday was a beautiful warm day and the took full advantage of any excuse to get wet. 5 - the number of mouths that are feed in this house has dramatically increased my food bill in the last year! Holy Smokes - eating sure costs a lot.

1347 - (an estimate of this) the number of hairs that are literally out of control on Sam's head after jumping on the tramp. I thinks its time for a trim.

24 - at least. The number of times that Jack has made me laugh out loud this week. Captain underpants.
70 - the number of times that I've told Jack to get out of the fridge. This boy is constantly on the search for food.
7 - the number of siblings I have, and also the number of times that thought about how fun it would be to be in Idaho now for spud harvest.
17 - the number of days until Halloween! The boys are soooo excited this year for their costumes and for the candy. Okay just Jack for the candy!
2 - the number of times that Lyv attempted saying the prayer at dinner. She is so funny and can repeat almost any word we say.

What was your favorite number of the week?

1 comment:

Mandi said...

"Steel Magnolias" And I love your creativity! I love reading your posts, your kids are really too dang cute! P.S. don't miss spud harvest, it is wet and cold and really not as cool as I remember it being when I was younger!!