Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trunk or Treat - Alice in Wonderland Style

The Young Men and Young Women of our ward put on an Alice in Wonderland themed trunk or treat last night. I was so impressed all the work they put into the games and activities. They all dressed up as characters from the movie, they had flamingo crouquet, jousting, a spook alley and a tea party! Jack spent most of his time in the spook alley where they served up homemade Rootbeer! He Loves pop! Our kids had a great time, and so did we. Angelina Ballerina(Kennedi) & Princess ToadstoolThe Big Bad Wolf and Twin Red Riding Hoods (Baptistas) & Mario Brothers

Fancy Nancy (Liberty) and Mario

Shawn and I werent' going to dress up this year because we couldn't think of anything and didn't want to spend a lot of money: but I just couldn't take it (plus my mom reminded me that Elasti-girl would have done something!) I channeled the my flowergirl vibe and turned my thoughts to Woodstock, hey we live 30 minutes away right? And whallah...Groovy Baby!

1 comment:

Ashton & Co. said...

Okay, those costumes are AMAZING! The kids all look so great! And you two "big" kids, too! You are amazing Meg...especially with the fact that you were out of power again. HOpe all is well. Miss you guys!!!!