Continuing to top the charts - Max weighed in at 18 lbs. even; 27.5 inches long, and 45 cm head circumference. All of these in the 90th percentile...that a baby!
He continues to be such a sweet HAPPY boy! He is always smiling, and always wakes up babbling and chatting it up. Sam is often woke up during these early morning conversations - and I'll find him curled up in bed next to Max or even changing his diaper. He just loves Max so much.
Max is teething with no results yet - but gnaws at his fists and fingers like a dog on a bone. He also recently discovered his feet and loves to kick and move his footsies like the Lord of the Dance. He is also getting really good at grabbing things - toys, blankets, Lyv's hair! Finally some self defense for the poor guy. To which she exclaims, "Hey, what's the big idea Max?" I just laugh happily, so glad she can finally get a taste of her own medicine.
He's not rolling over, mostly due to the fact that tummy time is no-likey time for Max. He does it for a few minutes to humor me, but then starts to squawk. He is such a great baby, sleeps whenever he is the carseat, which sadly is quite a bit. He smiles at us all of the time, and enjoys playing in his exasaucer and bouncy seat. It's only been 4 months, but I can't imagine life without this plump ray of sunshine.