Saturday, March 2, 2013

Poor, Poor Max

In an attempt to obey the doctors' orders - we try to do tummy time with Max throughout the day.  The little ones love it - they provide entertainment, love, and WAY too much help.  Max usually only lasts a few minutes (none of my babies have liked tummy time).  I was especially impressed with Max's strength yesterday holding his big ol' head up for so long.  I rush to get the camera and try to take a picture - but Lyv and Jack both insist on helping!  Aye, Yie, Yie!

Max has been going ballistic on his fists the past few days due to teething - but he really gets into it and makes gnawing sounds to boot.  It is adorable.  He loves to gab, and is by far my most vocal baby yet.  He squeals and yelps all morning long.  He makes spit bubbles and kicks and moves all over the place.  This morning we heard this THUD noise coming on the monitor, and I rush downstairs to find Max sideways in the crib kicking the railing.  He looked up and smiled so big - like he knew that would get me down there.
 Poor Max wasn't scheduled to go back into the doctor for a check up until the end of March, but has been in 3 times in the past two weeks!  This last bout was due to horrible eczema on his face.  It has really affected his hemangioma, so we wanted to make sure nothing got infected.  He was treated and is doing better.  The one fun thing about so many doctor's visits it to continue to watch this monster of a boy grow.  The last weigh in: 17.5 pounds!!  Yikes!  He's already doubled his birth weight.  Maybe it's because he's still waking up way too much at night wanting to eat still, but what ever it is, he is packing on the pounds.

1 comment:

Nick and Brent said...

I am with you on overly-helpful children and a baby who wants to eat way too much at night. The joys of kids, right? :) He's such a big boy, but soooo cute!