Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Maybe when you decide to be a parent!

Direct quote from Jack - that is right our 4 year old is already onto the fact that our parenting skills need a little fine tuning.  Lyv's potty teeter totter is continuing (with less accidents for longer spurts) - and after the most recent accident, Shawn asked Lyv "When are you going to start going to the potty?"  Jack nonchalantly in between bites of dinner replies, "Maybe when you decide to start acting like a parent."OH, SNAP!  Shawn was nearly in tears laughing, I was sitting with my jaw dropped in awe at his uncanny ability to make adult jokes-sarcasm-conversation. To gain a better understanding of where he was coming from, I dared to venture further and asked what we acted like, since we aren't acting like parents.  "Like bad guys!" ...bite, chew, chew....silence.  Nice - I'm a bad guy now.  From the mouth of babes.

1 comment:

Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

That is hilarious!!! I love it!!!