Friday, February 6, 2009

Saturday Soup

Imagination! Sam is all about connecting himself to any and all things. It is so fun to see his little mind work. Whether it be watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and having to wear his Mickey mouse ears, or dressing up in his Buzz light Year costume, he is always pretending and playing.
This weeks he's been really into being a "doctor" and "dad". When I was feeding Jack I kept seeing him run in and out of his room with baby in tow. I went in to see what he was doing and he had given the baby shots, cared for them with Spiderman bandaids, and was feeding him to put him down for a nap. I was so impressed that he gave the shots in the legs and put the bandaids on so well.

Sam is so smart, he really remembers everything especially stories we read to him. In his "dad" role he will read me five books at a time and can recite most of them word for word. He's also saying a lot of funny phrases like "what da heck" and his newest creation "oh crat." When reading the scriptures he insists upon reading them to us, he has been reading that we need to get in a space rocket to get to heaven (which is in outerspace) to see Jesus and Heavenly Father. Um, not sure where it says that.

Jack turned 5 months and has officially cut his first tooth. His lower right front tooth (if that makes sense)! He has also discovered his newest love - the exersaucer! He loves it, because he can see us everywhere as he rotates around, he has ten different chew toy options, and can dance to his hearts content. He is so cute! He is also becoming quite the little chatter box and talks to us all throughout the day. He is getting a little attitude and really doesn't like it when you take things away from his; which has become a problem now that he is putting everything and anything into his mouth! He is such a momma's boy and makes my day everyday because he is SO excited to see me! This is the face I see when I enter the room! How could you not love this little guy??The boys took the maiden voyage of the red wagon this week and it was great! Poor Jack can't sit well yet and he keep teetering over.... but it was still great to get out with both of them together in 50 degree weather!! Heat wave here in Iowa.


Ashton & Co. said...

OH the boys are growing up so fast! They look so dang cute in the wagon! Jack is such a sweet baby and I was laughing when I saw that pic of Sam with the baby because I KNEW THAT HE WOULD LOVE THAT DOLL SOMEDAY WHEN I GAVE IT TO HIM. The joke's on Shawn! :) Just goes to show all little kids love baby dolls. TOo cute!

Nicolette said...

Look at those big boys! Jack is growing up way too fast!

Freeman Family said...

Isn't it the best feeling to walk into a room and get a arms/legs flapping big gummy grin to let you know you are THE MOST IMPORTANT person in the world? I love it! Too cute! I love Sam's imagination..aren't they like sponges and pick up on everything?