Sam was on "spring break" this week - so we took advantage of this excuse to go and play. It all started last Saturday at the Mall of America in Minneapolis! They have an amusement park inside the mall and Sam had a blast on the rides! He even braved the log ride, and came out saying that was a little scary.

It was really nice to be inside and not worry about the wind or cold. Sam was overly excited to stay in a hotel and was up pretty late soaking in all the things that being a hotel means - complimentary soap, lots of TV channels, sleeping in his sleeping bag, oh yeah babe! While in Minneapolis we drove to Hennepin County Medical Center, where Shawn will be doing a rotation at in July. It is right downtown Minneapolis and will really be a good learning experience for Shawn. Shawn also dropped by at the house he had reserved a spot to stay in for that month, and lets just say he is going to continue looking at other options! The house was like 100 years old, with a wooden fire escape (nice engineering, huh). The guy that answered the door was like someone who stepped out of a good sitcom episode. He had just rolled out of bed, had a killer European accent, and really pessimistic attitude about life in general. If you're wondering how Shawn was able to gather all this information in a 5 minute visit, we'll say that Shawn's future roommate was VERY vocal about telling him how cold the weather and the people in Minnesota were and how "retarded" the fraternity and sorirety occupants were - basically he gave Shawn the heads up that he'd be miserable for 4 weeks! It was so funny, Shawn and I laughed about this for the entire car ride, and SHawn does a really sweet impersonation of him.

After that adventure - we headed off to Storm Lake, IA to an indoor waterpark at King's Pointe Resort. This was also a huge hit with Sammy. I was SO excited that he finally decided to try the waterslide! Here's his reaction -
He spent nearly 2 hours going on the slide non-stop. The car ride to and from all these places was long, but fun for us and we played many a "I-spy" game. Shawn also recieved a speeding ticket for his efforts to get the fun to us quicker! Oh, well that's what we get for following the other two speedsters the cop pulled over with us. Seriously the police officer pulled 3 cars over and gave each of us a ticket! We were all confused as to why we were there! I guess the old idea of a rabbit car isn't true after all.

We stopped at Blue Earth, Minnesota for lunch one day and found this awesome statue!!! Ho,ho,ho..... After getting home we had a super fun St. Patty's day party at our house, but I have no photage of that. Just imagine about 20 (yes 20) little kids dressed in green, running all over the back yard (it was 70 degrees that day), and 8 adults trying to keep them contained in my yard, there really wasn't time to even grab the camera. The food and company was great!

The rest of the week we've continued to play, play, play! Jack's crib became a fort this week and Sam's teddy bears had graduated to "big boys"- very nice touch!

Here's evidence of a SUPER dad! I couldn't quit laughing and Shawn is such a ham when he knows he's been filmed! What a stud!

Jack got another tooth - totally 4 in all! This week sleep has been a little hit and miss, but overall he's done really great. He is such a happy boy and makes the funniest faces ever. Sometimes I really wonder if he looks at us like, "Man I can't believe I'm stuck with these goof balls." Here's a new trick of Jack's, sorry its not a very good video but you'll get the idea!

Sam has been going through a "stage" we'll call it that, but he is extremely bossy, and likes to use this mean voice to command his servants (us). He also has discovered this scary look, where he rolls his eyes up into his head -and we'll just say it borders on funny and possessed! YIKES. I caught this moment on film yesterday. Someone help me.....