Friday, June 5, 2009

Saturday Soup

This is what happens when daddy is away, and mommy needs to get something done:
Mommy was packing
Mommy was putting away our pool - we were making chocolate milk!

Mommy was washing dishes - I was eating avacado (notice his eyebrows, click to enlarge)

Mommy had lost her brain, and was visiting the neighbor and left the rolls in the oven, we like ours really golden brown!

Jack's newest death defying trick: The Stairs (he reached this milestone only 2 hours after Shawn had left! Can you say scary!!)

Last Saturday, our neighbors threw us a good-bye potluck dinner. It was so much fun, not to mention DELICIOUS! We have been blessed beyond measure to be surrounded by wonderful, wonderful people. We will be missing you all so much.

Our neighborhood of Boys!! + Claire!

Kelly, Rosa, & Me.
The self proclaimed "Desperate Housewives" - actually "WWF Referrees" might be a better title.

My dear, dear friend Dana & I.

Thanks again Dana for taking Sam yesterday, he had such a great time. You are the best!!

Shawn's incredibly talented Aunt Debbi made this quilt for Jack, and gave Sam a dinosaur. He was so excited about and it was a very welcomed surprise for us mid-week. I couldn't help but post a few of the pictures of the quilt because it was so adorable! Thank you Debbi!

The week went by so fast, and better than I had expected. The boys were great, and we had a fun time, I even started to get some stuff packed. We had several showings for the house and hopefully one of these will come through! Shawn had a great first week in Waterloo, and is really enjoying the program up there. BUT - we are sooooo excited to have him home for the weekend!


Team Harris said...

How old is Jack, like 9 months? Does he want to eat in the middle of the night or what? I am having a really hard time with this no sleep thing. I don't think I can take much more of this constant exhaustion.

Freeman Family said...

Oh...sorry I made you burn the buns! HEE HEE! I am so going to miss you my dear friend! I think it is starting to sink in as I see the photos of the packing going on! We loved having Sam the other day. Carter keeps asking how many more times he can come over before he moves. I think you should prepare yourself for some tears (both Carter and I) on the day the moving truck pulls away!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have luck with your house!

Looks like you have been super busy. I love the picture of Jack with his dinner on his face. You have the cutest boys.

Your hair looks super cute!