Sunday, June 21, 2009


This past month I've been so blessed and grateful for those who take the time to give of themselves. This past week especially I'm overwhelmed by wonderful people who have thought of me and my family and have brought meals, watched my boys, offered help with our move, and spent time just visiting with me. Thank You! You are such amazing individuals and I have been so touched by your thoughtfulness and acts of service. You have inspired me to act upon those promptings to help those around me.

1 comment:

Ashton & Co. said...

What great pics. I can feel your many emotions through these postings. It's so great to have so many kind people around you that are so willing to help. I am excited to have you guys close again for a while. Wow time has gone by so fast! Be careful and good luck with the packing !Tell Sammy to keep that suit on! We are ready for him! (love the pic of Jack crawling and the dino behind him. Too cute!) Love you guys!