Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Soup

This week again has flown by. Sam went to the doctor this week to check out some eczema he's had on his leg for a while. They ended up drawing blood (yes, he had to be poked twice -but he was a trooper) to send for allergy testing. The results came back and he is allergic to cats and dogs, and slightly allergic to egg whites and wheat! Crazy, but luckily it won't affect his diet or environment too much, since we don't have any pets; and he can still eat foods that have eggs in them, just no more scrambled eggs! The wheat and egg allergy were very, very low so the doctor said not to be concerned. Otherwise his is healthy and the eczema will just have to clear as he grows, and be aided by ALOT of Cetaphil lotion.

Jack is loving the new found freedom of crawling and all of the many things he can get into. Sam is very vigilant in pulling Jack out of the potential messes to Jack's dismay. I told Sam that Jack is exploring, now Sam thinks this is funny and watches as Jack destroys my cupboards and yells, "Mom, Jack's esploring!!" or he tells me "That's what babies do!" Thanks Sam for reminding me.

Yesterday I was able to teach country line dance and two step to the Youth of Des Moines Stake. It was really fun. I forgot how much I really enjoy dancing, and I hope that I'll be able to find a way to do it a little more often (Shawn isn't very much help in that department!) I really enjoyed teaching, and the youth were all very cooperative. Its good for us all to get out and Boot Scoot and Boogie every once in a while!
We hit the Downtown Farmer's Market for our last time today:( So sad, but don't worry we went out with a bang, a breakfast burrito, roasted corn on the cob dipped in butter, and tons of fresh veggies to come home with! Shawn was able to come home early yesterday and he and Sam went mini golfing and we started to get serious about this moving business, changing addresses, canceling services, etc. Two Weeks is all we have left! Ahhhh.... it's come so quickly, and I'm not sure if I'm really prepared to say goodbye to our home of the last three years. Time marches on, and so do we. We hope you all had a great week!


My Everythings said...

I still can't get over Jack's eyes! They are sooo blue. Sam is hilarious in all his dress up.
Way to go on the dancing! Sounds fun. :)

Nicolette said...

I love Sam's words of wisdom: "That's what babies do!" Wise beyond his years. I SO miss country dancing! Zac also refuses to humor me in that department. Being a mom is going great. I'll be in St. Anthony Aug 7-23rd. Lynde and Josh are getting married then :)

Anonymous said...

We had so much fun with you guys and can't wait to hang out again next weekend, since it will be our last time... SAD!! I'm wanting a little more of that brownie sundae so maybe we should get together and try to re-create that dessert. what day are we coming over this week?