Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TidBit Tuesday

#1: Snickerdoodle Strawberry Ice Cream Sandwich: Yes, yes, yes! This is the BEST summer treat. It is light, and just sweet enough to satisfy. Not only that its cheap and easy. Make or buy your favorite snickerdoodle recipe (the Softer, the better!) and buy some strawberry ice cream (we like Blue Bunny). You will not be disappointed.

#2: FREE Kraft Magazine: Every three months I get a free magazine full of new recipes for the season. I like this magazine because its FREE, and because the ingredients for all the recipes are practical and inexpensive. Its always great to try out some new recipes. Go to the link here to sign up for your free magazine - Kraft

#3: Food for Thought: We recently had a lesson Elder Bednar's CES Fireside address Things As They Really Are (click here for the full address). It really made me stop and think about my time on the computer blogging, facebooking, emailing, etc. He did not say these things are bad, or should be done avoided, rather that we need to beware of the way these activities can distract us from things that are REAL!
How much more connected to my friends and family am I? It is really easy for me to send an email or leave a comment on a blog, but how often do I talk or visit them? It's much more convienient for me to do that then actually have a conversation. Also I can choose to put what I want on my blog or facebook, I can "edit" my life to be whatever I want it. Is that real? Please, don't misunderstand or feel offended at all by any of my comments today, but it was really something that made me stop and think about what my purposes and time spent are really accomplishing. He gave two questions to consider when pondering our use:
1. Does the use of various technologies and media invite or impede the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in your life?
2. Does the time you spend using various technologies and media enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, to love, and to serve in meaningful ways?
You will receive answers, inspiration, and instruction from the Holy Ghost suited to your individual circumstances and needs.

Here are a few of the thoughts I really liked:
"Please be careful of becoming so immersed and engrossed in pixels, texting, ear buds, twittering, online social networking, and potentially addictive uses of media and the Internet that you fail to recognize the importance of your physical body and miss the richness of person-to-person communication. Beware of digital displays and data in many forms of computer-mediated interaction that can displace the full range of physical capacity and experience.
Initially the investment of time may seem relatively harmless, rationalized as a few minutes of needed relief from the demands of a hectic daily schedule. But important opportunities are missed for developing and improving interpersonal skills, for laughing and crying together, and for creating a rich and enduring bond of emotional intimacy. Progressively, seemingly innocent entertainment can become a form of pernicious enslavement.
To feel the warmth of a tender hug from an eternal companion or to see the sincerity in the eyes of another person as testimony is shared—all of these things experienced as they really are through the instrument of our physical body—could be sacrificed for a high fidelity fantasy that has no lasting value. If you and I are not vigilant, we can become “past feeling” (1 Nephi 17:45), as did Laman and Lemuel long ago."


Ashton & Co. said...

How are you surviving? I hope all is going well. LOVe your Tuesday ideas. I hope you can keep doing this!

Those pics of the boys are so cute- I think I may need to have Tess tested for allergies...they've never suggested that!

Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks! Give the boys xoxoxox's!

Amber said...

it's so funny that you posted about this because lately i have tried not to be on the computer as much because i feel the same way! I am trying to make better use of my days also and not waste my time on here. haha. well i can't wait until you are here and i hope you are knocking down my door to get your hair done cuz i would LOVE to do it!

Anonymous said...

Those cookies look DIVINE!
I was out on the hall for most that meeting. However I really liked what I heard and your words said it perfectly to how I felt about it. Thanks for sharing!

{Erica} said...

Great post today! I loved that talk also. It's tough sometimes to find a balance, but I think as long as you're communicating with a phone call or or simple HAND WRITTEN letter and making that a priority with family and friends and making sure to keep priorities in check in regards to computer use and what have you the "online world" can be a benefit and not a distraction. Sharing ideas, getting new ones and sharing the gospel through various places online is actually something the church encourages. In fact there was an article/talk that came out that said that (I'm thinking it came out last year or so). However, letting it take over the REAL life and the things that are of the utmost importance should be avoided and recognized.

I usually limit my time to look in on other's blogs to a 10-15 minute period of time each day (usually during nap time or "down time" where the girls are creating by themselves). There was at ime when I spent WAY too much time online and I'm glad to have made the change. I get so much more done!

Well done in sharing your thoughts on this!

p.s. I swear teenagers and those that text all the time now have problems with actual communication with one another. They don't know how to because they'd rather text than talk! Bret and I had a huge discussion on this the other day and wanted to make sure our girls knew how to communicate.

Anyway, you rock!

Andrea said...

Thanks so much for sharing Megan. I wished I could have been there that Sunday to hear the lesson. Steve said it was really enlightening. So thanks for posting the link to his talk. What a good reminder and definitely something to evaluate. I like your thoughts on the subject. It is way more convienient to shoot off and email, or comment on a blog. But a phonecall or visit can be so much more meaningful. Balance and moderation in ALL things.....

PS: Monday I can take Sam all morning/afternoon for you???? Just text me if that works for you. haha!